Sunday, March 23, 2014

Early Spring in Connecticut!

The snow has finally melted, although there is more in the forcast. It's Sunday March 23rd, 1pm, 41 degrees and I have put a tray of onion seedlings and leek seedlings ( who have had their tops trimmed) in the cold frame. I potted up butter crunch lettuce seeds and red bibb lettuce and some pelleted basil and put them under lights next to my recently propagated Christmas cactus, and begonias, and olive sprigs.

Great excitement when I noticed one of my White Oak acorns has spouted about 1/2 inch out if the acorn! I got them from the seed share at the Shirley Menice Conference last October. I had about 10 more coming along but a critter ate them in my garage!

Yesterday I saw a harbinger of spring!

Off to look for more seeds to start!